Date: Sat, May 2 1998 10:58 AM
From: Kathi Roberts-Freedman
Subject: Re:To: Not the NetForum Guy

No, I'm not sure I entered everything correctly, that's what I said in the previous message! I didn't mean to exclude you from trying to help, Mr. Leong, I was trying to contact the passerby who came to my rescue the last time I posted a message and I didn't know if he would want me to name him publicly. So, I posted a message to him using the name he signed his last message with. (It's a long story....!) Anyway, I was working at home and I only have his e-mail address at work.

My problem is that this is my first time doing anything like this and it seems like every program wants the same information, but calls it something different. For example, what my ftp program calls "profile name", my web program calls "user name". So, I have been trying (without success!!) to fill in the blanks with what I think it wants. It seems there are an infinite number of combination possibilities and I have tried for hours to fill in the info correctly.

I am sure NetForum is really cool if I could just get it going!

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